May 2023 Civic Affairs Report

By Bernie Florido, Civic Affairs Convenor


In recent times, the city of Vancouver has been grappling with the issue of homelessness and encampments in the Downtown Eastside (DTES) neighborhood. However, the cleanup process initiated by the Vancouver police and city staff has been a subject of controversy among advocates for the homeless. The fire and police chiefs and Mayor Ken Sim stated that the encampment had to be dismantled due to the fire danger and increased crime. While some believe that the cleanups were necessary to maintain public health and safety, others argue that the process simply displaced people without providing long-term solutions to their problems.

Dean Kurpjuweit, the president of the Union Gospel Mission, stated that the shelter had been at capacity for a few months and had to go over its limit recently to accommodate everyone. The forced shutdown of the encampment only added to the existing pressure and the burden on the staff. While the cleanup process is a necessary step to address the issue of homelessness and encampments, it is imperative that long-term solutions are put in place to provide permanent housing for those who are homeless.

Metro Vancouver

BC is set to add six new electoral ridings, increasing the number of provincial constituencies from 87 to 93 ahead of the 2024 fixed election date. The changes to the electoral map are in response to rapid population growth, and are based on recent recommendations from the independent Electoral Boundaries Commission. The proposed increase includes four new electoral districts in the Lower Mainland, one on Vancouver Island, and another in Kelowna. The amendments to the Electoral Districts Act were introduced by the New Democrat government.

 Richmond (Vancouver Airport)

Vancouver Airport has released a $40 million action plan aimed at preventing the chaos that ensued over the winter holidays from happening again. This plan includes adding new staff, improving training, better leveraging technology, increasing communication, and investing in additional equipment. The airport will also install new weather monitoring equipment, new gate protocols, more winter weather equipment, and increase de-icing fluid storage.


The city council of Surrey has approved a 12.5% property tax increase as part of a five-year budget plan to pay for policing services amid controversy over the transition from the RCMP to a municipal force. The council used the Growing Communities Fund to lower the tax increase, with the provincial fund providing $1bn in new grants to local governments across BC.

Delta, Tsawwassen, Musqueam, Richmond

Mayor George Harvie along with other officials wrote a letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Premier David Eby urging them to collaborate with local governments and First Nations to create a long-term strategy for dredging the lower Fraser River and its channels. They formed a working group to develop a pilot project and seek federal government support for a funding and management model. The Vancouver Fraser Port Authority estimated that $2.5 million annually would keep watercraft navigation safe. The BC government gave a $2.1 million grant to Steveston Harbour Authority for dredging at Richmond harbor.

April 2023 Citizenship and Immigration Report

By Victoria Shelkovnikova, Citizenship and Immigration Convenor

Today I bring to your attention part of the 2022 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

 Gender-Based Violence Strategy

In June 2017, the Government of Canada announced It’s Time: Canada’s Strategy to Prevent and Address Gender-Based Violence, the federal response to gender-based violence. The initiative focuses on three main areas of action: prevention, support for survivors and their families, and the promotion of responsive legal and justice systems. Under this federal strategy, IRCC received $1.5 million in funding over five years (2017–22) to further enhance the Settlement Program, which delivers pre- and post-arrival settlement services to newcomers to Canada. The funding is being used to develop and implement a settlement sector strategy on gender-based violence through a coordinated partnership of settlement and anti-violence sector organizations. In response to the increase in gender-based violence in the pandemic context, IRCC consulted with service provider organizations to better understand the situation for newcomers. As a result, IRCC issued guidance and information to organizations on the continuation of services considered essential, which included providing support to clients experiencing gender-based violence.

Canada’s Assistance to Women at Risk Program

The Canada’s Assistance to Women at Risk Program is designed to provide resettlement opportunities to women who are at increased risk of discrimination and violence, including those who are in precarious situations where local authorities cannot ensure their safety. Some women may need immediate protection in the short-term, while others are in permanently dangerous circumstances. Gender-based persecution is one of the grounds upon which Canada grants refugee protection. In 2021, Canada resettled 995 vulnerable refugee women and children through this program.

Measures to support newcomers to leave situations of family violence


Measures to support newcomers to leave situations of family violence were introduced in 2019 and continued throughout 2021 to help individuals escape abuse. These measures included:

  • An expedited, fee-exempt, temporary resident permit for individuals who lack status, which also gives individuals a work permit and temporary healthcare coverage under the Interim Federal Health program. In 2021, 167 permits were issued under this initiative.
  • An expedited process for victims of family violence or abuse to apply for permanent residence on humanitarian and compassionate grounds. In 2021, 84 applicants under this process were approved.

Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot

Programming under the Racialized Newcomer Women Pilot (formerly the Visible Minority Newcomer Women Pilot) is designed to support employment outcomes and career advancement for racialized newcomer women through the delivery of settlement services. Extensions were provided to 11 projects, originally anticipated to end in March 2021, that was best suited to continue direct service delivery to support racialized newcomer women as the economy recovers.

 Permanent Residents Admitted in 2021 by Top 10 Source Countries

Rank Country Total Number Percentage (%) Males Females
1 India 127,933 32 73,075 54,858
2 China, People’s Republic of 31,001 8 13,418 17,583
3 Philippines 18,021 4 7,716 10,305
4 Nigeria 15,593 4 7,469 8,124
5 France 12,688 3 6,683 6,005
6 United States of America 11,951 3 5,990 5,956
7 Brazil 11,425 3 5,631 5,793
8 Iran 11,303 3 5,475 5,825
9 Afghanistan 8,569 2 4,274 4,295
10 Pakistan 8,476 2 4,274 4,202
Total Top 10 256,960 63 134,005 122,946
All Other Source Countries 149,039 37 73,506 75,530
Total 405,999 100 207,511 198,476

Source: IRCC, Chief Data Office (CDO), Permanent Residents Data as of March 31, 2022.







April 2023 Civic Affairs Report

By Elizabeth Gautschi, Civic Affairs Convenor

Metro Vancouver 2050

 The Metro Vancouver region’s Regional Growth Strategy, Metro 2050, was adopted on February 24, 2023. Metro 2050 is the result of three years of extensive review, collaboration, and engagement. It is the regional federation’s collective vision for how growth will be managed to support the creation of complete, connected, and resilient communities, while protecting important lands and supporting the efficient provision of urban infrastructure like transit and utilities.

 Metro Vancouver is a region of diverse and complete communities connected by sustainable transportation choices where residents take pride in vibrant neighbourhoods that offer a range of opportunities to live, work, play, and learn, and where natural, agricultural, and employment lands are protected and enhanced.

City of Delta

The City of Delta has been granted $16 million as part of the Province of British Columbia’s new Growing Communities Fund. The fund is intended to give communities across BC a one-time boost to support the delivery of services to residents. Delta’s Mayor Harvie announced that Delta Council intends to fulfill its commitment to fund necessary projects in the community such as a new turf field at Mackie Park and improved track facilities at both Seaquam Secondary School and Delta Secondary School. The mayor concluded his remarks by saying that “the funding will go towards building much-needed infrastructure that meets the demand of our residents right across the City for years to come.”

City of New Westminster

 At the March 13 Council meeting, the New Westminster City Council proclaimed March 2023 to 2024 A Year of Truth as part of the City’s ongoing reconciliation efforts. The City recognizes that reconciliation can only be successfully achieved after learning and acknowledging the full truth of our colonial history. Truth-seeking will come through opportunities for City staff and the community to learn and reflect over the next 12 months, with the expectation that this truth will be applied to the City’s continued decolonization and reconciliation work.

The concept for A Year of Truth was inspired by education and relationship-building work done by the previous City Council and the Summary Report on Actions Taken by the City of New Westminster Involving Indigenous Peoples presented to Council on October 3, 2022. The City emphasizes that this is only “a” year of truth, rather than “the,” because it may take several years to develop a deep enough understanding of the truth before reconciliatory acts can be undertaken in a meaningful way.

 City of North Vancouver

Development of the new Harry Jerome Community Recreation Centre (HJCRC) is now underway in the heart of Central Lonsdale. Construction began with site preparation and excavation for the new centre, which will be located on the north side of East 23rd Street between Lonsdale Avenue and St Georges Avenue.

As the City’s largest ever capital program, replacement of the 56-year-old HJCRC includes an arena with a 500-spectator capacity, more aquatic space, indoor and outdoor fitness amenities, new skate park, preschool and youth spaces and a new facility for Silver Harbour Seniors’ Activity Centre. Underground parking will maximize the site’s buildable space.

City of Surrey

The City of Surrey will host the 12th annual Party for the Planet, BC’s largest Earth Day celebration, at Surrey Civic Plaza on Saturday, April 29, from 11 am to 7 pm. The signature Surrey event will feature a sustainable marketplace, live music, dance battles, and environmental workshops featuring Indigenous education.

This year’s free event will offer a plant sale hosted by Surrey Parks, which will sell native plants from $3 to $6. University Drive will include a rock-climbing wall, exhibitors, and plant-based food trucks. Local live music will be performed on the Earth Stage, the Community Stage will feature dance battles and lessons, and the Family Stage will showcase a variety of children’s entertainment. The sustainable marketplace will feature local vendors that sell eco-friendly products. There will also be a clothing swap where attendees can shop free, lightly-used clothing items.  A complete list of activities and performers can be found at

City of Vancouver

 Did you know that Vancouver has published a FIRST PEOPLES: A GUIDE FOR NEWCOMERS TO VANCOUVER?  Vancouver welcomes newcomers from all parts of the world. Newcomers are often at a disadvantage when it comes to learning about First Peoples because of language barriers, access to information, or the time to learn. Learning about the rich and diverse history and experiences of Canada’s First Peoples is key to building understanding between non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal communities. First Peoples: A Guide for Newcomers aims to fill the need for clear information in simple language about the First Peoples in Vancouver. It introduces newcomers to three important topics: who are Aboriginal people (or First Peoples) in Vancouver and Canada; a brief overview of the relationship between the Government of Canada and First Peoples; and current initiatives and ways for newcomers to learn more about Aboriginal people in the community.

March 2023 Housing and Safety Report

By Kerry Gibson, Housing and Safety Convenor

Affordable housing opportunities across BC have accelerated. However, circumstances such as floods and fire continue to displace lower-income residents in Kamloops, Princeton, and the Downtown East Side.

In Vancouver, city officials are simultaneously increasing approvals while trialing controversial policies affecting specific demographics (such as 50+), and Victoria passed a “missing middle” vote that has satisfied neither the supply proponents nor the residential home owners.

Despite the increase in discussion and approvals, supply correction will not manifest in the time frame required, due to inflation and supply chain concerns. Economists have been eyeing softwood lumber prices and tariffs as an indicator forecasting a slump in builds.

An 8% increase in student housing costs has alarmed many post-secondary students already on tight budgets. The increase will affect food budgets, which have already been affected by inflation. The increases may cost many students out of continuing their education.

During a time when skilled labour is in short supply, and UBC is the primary supply for medically trained personnel, the province may look to significantly subsidizing students in identified industries where BC experiences shortfall, with contingencies to keep those skills local.

Tiny homes may offer a transitional opportunity for populations such as the currently unhoused, displaced populations, and returning veterans. Tiny home communities have sprung up all over the world, and are a cleaner, safer alternative to tent cities and SROs. These mini-residences offer the privacy, resources, security, warmth, pride of place, and dignity necessary for individuals and families to gain their footing. The model has also proven to be more cost-effective than supporting people residing on the street. Although some communities welcome the idea, others (such as Mission) have ousted the proposal which may be short-sighted without a contingency plan.


March 2023 Seniors Report

By Donna Webb, Seniors Convenor

On January 23, 2023 I attended a presentation entitled “Finally, Some Good News About Stress! The Benefits of (Some) Daily Challenge”.

The speaker was Dr. David Almeida, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies and a faculty member of the Center for Healthy Aging at Penn State University. Dr. Almeida earned his Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Victoria. His research examines the effects of biological and self-reported indicators of stress on health. His primary interest has been the role of daily stress on healthy aging but has also examined stress processes in specific populations and contexts, such as the workplace and family interactions, parents of children with developmental disabilities, and family caregivers.

Research documents the harmful effects of daily stressors on well-being, but often ignored in these studies are people reporting no stressors. This talk examined the benefits and costs of a “stressor-free life”, with a focus on the potential benefits of small amounts of daily stress. He used data from the National Studies of Daily Experiences (NSDE) to calculate the prevalence of adults who reported no daily stressors over the course of 8 consecutive days.  Data were comprised of 20,188 daily interviews from 2,804 adults ages 25-85.  Results indicated that 10% of adults reported no stressors over the 8 days. Stressor-free adults were less likely to report positive events in their daily lives.

Previous assumptions about stress were refuted with twenty years of funded research, for example: stress is universal, stress is unhealthy, stress should be avoided, resilience to stress is exogenous to the stress process. Instead, the study found that having a purpose in life reduces reactivity to daily stress and exercise reduces reactivity to daily stress. Almost 10% of the study participants reported no stressors. These individuals reported fewer positive life events, fewer social support exchanges, and the found these participants scored lower in present and future cognitive functioning.

The Healthy Aging Public Lecture Series is sponsored by the Edwin S.H. Leong Healthy Aging Program and the UBC School of Kinesiology and supported by the Providence Health Care Dialogue on Aging Public Presentation Series.


March 2023 Civic Affairs Report

By Elizabeth Gautschi, Civic Affairs Convenor

Metro Vancouver

Metro Vancouver has an agreement to purchase 97 hectares of forested and waterfront land on the southwest tip of Bowen Island for a proposed new park, for approximately $40 million. In January 2023, Metro Vancouver applied to Bowen Island Municipality to amend the Official Community Plan and rezone the parcels from rural residential to a passive park designation, with a variance to allow for supervised overnight tent camping.

The first phase of public engagement for a proposed new regional park at Cape Roger Curtis on Bowen Island will take place from February 10 to March 20, providing a number of opportunities for the region’s residents to give their feedback and help shape the long-term park vision and concept. To participate click here.

City of Delta

The Delta Optimist reports that the City of Delta is looking at how to better protect the Beach Grove neighbourhood from flooding. Most of the seawall in Beach Grove is under a right-of-way, constructed under the Fraser River Flood Protection Program, and is Delta’s responsibility. Several sections were constructed as early as 1969 and 1972. Various repairs have been completed, but the Beach Grove neighbourhood remains prone to multiple flood-related hazards. The city says with recent updates to the provincial guidelines, the existing seawall does not meet the current requirements to provide safe protection against flooding due to the wall height, wave overtopping protection and seismic requirements. According to the city, upon adoption of a design solution, Delta will seek further funding from senior government levels to assist with the detailed design and construction of the flood protection upgrades.

City of New Westminster

A news release from the City of New Westminster announced that the City has received $800,000 from the provincial government’s Community Emergency Preparedness Fund (CEPF), administered by the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM), to put towards rehabilitation of the Queensborough dike to better protect the growing residential and commercial community against floods. The dike rehabilitation project is in alignment with the Flood Management Strategy, which was first developed in 2009-2011 to identify and prioritize measures to provide protection to its flood susceptible lands. The Strategy designates Queensborough, which has 350 hectares of designated floodplain, as the highest priority for flood protection improvements in the city.


City of North Vancouver

The City is helping to future-proof existing condos and apartments by offering top-up rebates so multi-unit residential buildings can get a jumpstart on being electric vehicle (EV) Ready.  By 2035, every passenger vehicle sold in Canada will be electric under the federal government’s newly proposed regulations. To help prepare for widespread EV adoption, and to encourage residents to make the switch early, the City will top-up current provincial rebates offered through CleanBC’s Go Electric EV Charging Rebate program. This program supports existing condo and apartment owners in retrofitting buildings to accommodate the high number of EV charging stations that will be required in the future.  For many people, the decision to purchase an EV depends on their access to convenient and reliable at-home charging. With the majority of City residents living in condos or apartments, supporting access to EV charging in these buildings is a key strategy for the City in enabling EV adoption as outlined in the City’s Electric Vehicle Strategy.

City of Surrey

The current mayor of Surrey, elected on a promise to shut down the Surrey Police Service established by the previous mayor and council, and retain the RCMP, must wait for a final decision on the issue by the Public Safety Minister and Attorney General of BC. In late January, the minister issued a statement saying officials have received and reviewed submissions from the city, the Mounties, and the fledgling Surrey Police Service on the question of who will police the city but that more information is needed. “It’s clear that considerable work has gone into developing these plans and reports, and I appreciate their timely submission,” he said in a statement. While the city council awaits a decision, officers from both the RCMP and the SPS remain on the job and the taxpayers of Surrey are paying for two police forces.

City of Vancouver

The Stanley Park Bike Lane is again in the news. A CBC news report confirmed that at a public meeting on February 13, Vancouver Park Board commissioners approved Option C for the future of the controversial “temporary” bike lane, which is the option that removes most of the bike lane. At the very most, 30% of the existing 8.5-km-long, on-road bike lane will be retained. All ABC commissioners voted in favour with the one Green Party commissioner voting against the motion. Additionally, the commissioners approved ABC amendments directing Park Board staff to report back no later than November 2023 on a new bike lane proposal for 2024 that incorporates 2023 summer usage data, stakeholder input, and park user experience. There will be more consultation and stakeholder engagement later in the year.


February 2023 Health Report

By Beryl Matthewson, Health Convenor


I hope everyone is following the challenging directives and staying healthy as many provinces have recorded an increase in cases of the new Covid-19 variant. Many significant concerns in our hospitals have been identified, such as wages and staff shortages. Our attention has mainly been centered on these, but the pandemic has only exacerbated the opioid crisis and drug overdose fatalities in this province. Barriers to mental health care have marginalized many Canadians. Decriminalization of a safe drug supply could effectively reduce public health concerns associated with drug use, and help those in the community get the help needed for recovery. The Canadian population in this smaller world needs to consider health as a primary determinant for social prosperity.

February 2023 Civic Affairs Report

By Elizabeth Gautschi, Civic Affairs Convenor


Metro Vancouver

Do you know a young person or a teacher who might be interested in taking part in regional issues? Metro Vancouver invites young people and educators from across the region to participate in the newly formed Metro Vancouver Youth and Education Advisory Panel.

The Youth and Education Advisory Panel will help provide a youth perspective on Metro Vancouver’s programs, projects, and policies. The panel will include up to five representatives from a high-school-aged group (ages 13-18), up to five representatives from a post-secondary-aged group (ages 18-25), and up to five representatives working in K-12 education.

The panel will receive and review information, and advise on topics related to the development of Metro Vancouver’s projects and programs. They will be invited to pose questions, engage in discussion, and provide comments for consideration on regional issues like managing wastewater, reducing waste in the region, water conservation, taking action on climate change, plans and projects related to regional parks, delivery of K-12 programming and other regional issues. The panel will share comments and present recommendations to Metro Vancouver staff. Youth and people working in K-12 education interested in participating are asked to submit their applications by February 3, 2023 online at (search “Youth and Education Advisory Panel”). Participation is voluntary.​

City of Delta

The Mayor has initiated a plan, supported by Council, to improve access to Regular Council Meetings for North Delta residents. The City now alternates meetings evenly between North Delta and South Delta, providing equal opportunity for all residents to stay informed on the business of Council. Regular Council Meetings are also available by live stream, using any device that has access to the internet, and on television through Delta Cable. The archived video is available the day after a meeting online.

City of New Westminster

The City has an interactive, online space where community members can learn about a variety of City projects and share their feedback and ideas. Join the conversation on your own schedule and from whatever location is convenient for you. Sign up to receive updates and never miss an opportunity to share your input and be heard. Go to Be Heard New West to get started!

For information on upcoming Public Hearings and other formal opportunities to provide comments to City Council, visit the Public Notices page. To learn about projects that are not in an engagement phase or are now completed, visit Projects on the Go.

Want to be notified about engagement opportunities? The best way is to register on Be Heard New West! Registered users receive emails when new feedback opportunities are launched.

You can also subscribe to CityPage Online, the City’s electronic newsletter, and receive updates on a wide variety of City news every Thursday.

City of North Vancouver

Volunteering is a great way for residents to get involved, provide input on important issues, and make a positive contribution to our community.

The City welcomes applications from citizens interested in volunteering their time, sharing their expertise, and helping their community. You are encouraged to submit an application, including the name of the committee you wish to join. All committee applicants must be City residents.

The City Clerk’s Office will confirm receipt of your application and may also request a copy of your resumé. Applications are accepted throughout the year, and are retained on file for one year.

Visit the City of North Vancouver’s Committees page for details on all committees. If you have questions about Committee, Commission, or Board vacancies, contact the City Clerk’s Office at 604-990-4231 or

City of Surrey

City Council meetings are held Monday evenings in accordance with the 2022 Council meeting schedule. Council meetings are simultaneously live streamed on the City of Surrey website and videos of recent meetings are also archived for viewing.

If you would like to get involved with your local government, there are over 25 different committees, commissions or boards that residents could possibly join. From food policy to diversity, there are a range of topics these groups cover. Year-round applications are welcomed.

City of Vancouver

The City and Park Board have a diverse range of volunteer opportunities to fit your goals, skills, and schedule. Volunteering is a rewarding way to:

  • Share your skills to improve your community
  • Meet new people who share your interests
  • Gain experience or learn new skills you can use in a job or other areas of your life

Go to for a list of volunteer opportunities with the City and Park Board.

February 2023 Child and Families Report

By Sheila Pepper, Child and Family Convenor


New information this month is a pilot project by BC Family Connections at four centres in BC for support and services. Family connections centres will provide a one-stop location for support, therapy and information. Centres will provide the same core services to everyone. Families will be able to access a centre from their local community. Smaller communities will have access using mobile services or virtual technology. Centre teams will create a comfortable, welcoming, inclusive and safe space by using a trauma-informed, culturally safe and respectful approach. Centres will be run by service providers contracted by the ministry.

Please consult challenges faced by BC families:

This report lists the many challenges families face: income security, employment, physical and mental health, addictions, housing, food, education, child care and protection, neighbourhood and community safety, violence, and legal issues.

Here is a link to the BC Child, Family and Community Services Act:

Another link to Children’s Rights and Participation in Family Law in BC:

Family caregiving at both ends of life is increasing for BC families. Additional services for parent, adolescent and family therapy are more in demand. The long Covid shutdowns have been complicating service availability.

The Minister of Child and Family Development is the Honourable Mitzi Dean and the Deputy Minister is Allison Bond. They have set up a new Indigenous child support program including aspects of reconciliation.

December 2022 Seniors Report

By Donna Webb, Seniors Convenor

Long-Term Care and Assisted Living Directory Update

The Office of the Seniors Advocate has released an updated long-term care home directory which now also includes information on all publicly funded assisted living facilities in British Columbia. This online searchable directory is an excellent resource for people looking for current information on care homes.

Learn More

Connecting with Seniors in Rural Communities

The Seniors Advocate Isobel Mackenzie continued engaging with seniors in rural communities throughout the province in October. Notably, she spoke at the Valemount Seniors Fair, a town hall in Squamish, and met with seniors on both Denman and Hornby Islands.

Learn More

Seniors Advocate Participates in Long-Term Care Survey

The Seniors Advocate recently joined the efforts of volunteer surveyors in downtown Vancouver by interviewing seniors living in long term care about their quality of life. Read more about a volunteer’s experience working with the Seniors Advocate, as well as her reflections on patient-centered care in residential care homes. OSA will be seeking volunteers until spring 2023. Find out more about volunteering on the project website.

Learn More

For more information, visit the Seniors Advocate web site at